Offer easily accessible, near-instant education loans through multiple channels while reducing your go-to-market time and boosting straight-through processing rates. Choosing a lending ecosystem that’s ready for the future enables you to make better business decisions, ensure compliance with constantly updated regulations, service loan applicants in their homes, and scale up as you grow. Lentra’s education loan platform is highly configurable and requires zero training, so you can move over to an intelligent system that’s tailored for you with barely any downtime.
Bucketing of prospective leads and follow-up tracking
Tie-ups with leading edutech players including Byjus and UpGrad
DSAs, DSEs, FIs, RCU agencies, empanelled legal and technical valuers, office and residence verifiers
RInstant fraud check and approval matrix
Soft quote generation as pre-eligibility to ensure customer satisfaction
Digital identity and location checks no matter where the applicant is
Bring the power of Lentra's open APIs to your lending game as Lentra’s unique, state-of-the-art solutions create an ecosystem that promises end-to-end education loan origination in minutes and seamless loan management. It works on a 100% wholly automated and highly secure infrastructure that can pull credit score data from multiple agencies in seconds, aid strategic business decisioning, and drastically reduce errors. With just the click of a button, your bank or financial institution can validate identities across locations, convert uploaded information into machine-readable formats, generate regular analysis reports and offer totally digital customer service.
Integrate seamlessly with independent channel partners to expand your target audience and boost sales. More than 250+ pre-integrated APIs by Lentra will give you that much-needed edge over your competitors.
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