Empower your clients with the ability to finance short-term credit needs directly or through channel partners. Within minutes, Lentra can help you onboard clients and disburse funds, supported by a back-end platform that routinely reports analyses, maintains balance sheets and registers collections. What’s more, it supports a seamless co-lending module so you can tie up with other financial institutions and offer better, more accessible services.
Shorter, periodic assessments analyzed
by business intelligence
Innovative financial model templates
ideal for startups
Single shared ledger for all parties
for quick and easy monitoring
Blends in easily with existing apps
and systems
Easy to maintain, easy to configure,
easy to evolve
Ability to create multiple sub-limits
for specific products
More than 250 pre-integrated APIs work rapidly to fire instantaneous lending decisions. With cutting-edge technology on your side, stringent regulatory demands are easily met with minimal human interference and application processing occurs through a seamless, paperless journey. Fund forward and backward integration along the value chain and tap into unchartered industries backed by a full-stack lending eco-system. Set bigger goals with less worry, thanks to Lentra.
Axe costs and turnaround times in supply chain financing with an AI-powered platform that has seen 95% amazing straight-through-processing rates. Lentra offers a highly scalable, easily configurable and truly versatile digital eco-system that supports the lending of the future.
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