Personal Loans

Help disburse
personal loans

100% online loans supported by
business intelligence

Bring instant personal loans within easier reach of your customers via paperless applications and quick, automated disbursals. Lending journeys are made seamless with Lentra’s end-to-end services bringing digital logins, verifications, decisioning, onboarding and collections together on a single screen. Let your customers enjoy the convenience of availing loans from the comfort of their homes while your digital eco-system makes servicing them secure, easier and faster

Key Features

API-orchestrated solution
for quick disbursals

Lead generation module

Find new leads from multiple channels and track follow-ups

Functionalities for all peripheral user groups

Designed for direct selling agents, direct selling entities, financial institutions, risk containment unit agencies, office and residence verifiers

Soft quotes

Pre-eligibility to ensure customer satisfaction and continuity

Deviation capability

Product policy hosting, deviation management and deviation workflow configuration

Automated triggering of bureaus

Access credit scores from multiple bureaus in seconds

OCR capabilities

Easily search and edit data from scanned documents

Why Lentra

Instant decisioning and disbursals

Empower your sales agents and relationship managers with a lending ecosystem catering to all self-service, pre-approvals, existing and new-to-bank requirements. Our full-stack, AI-based solutions trigger strategic business decisions, instant credit enquiries, automated document handling, and 100% digital onboarding and lending management. Coupled with this are fully automated, pre-integrated APIs working quickly behind the scenes to provide microservices that give you an edge over the competition. Gift your customers the opportunity to avail loans from anywhere, at any time.

Lending Flow

What a Lentra
lending flow looks like

24*7 lending with 100% digitization

Lentra’s built-in features ensure seamless loan journeys from onboarding to collection that keep tabs on credit score and risk, offer high STP rates, and automated payment collection. Expand your lending vision with Lentra.