Home Loans

Make your customer's
dream home a reality

Better sales with seamless,
secure lending journeys

Build a stronger client base by offering quick disbursals of home loans and lending journeys that can be managed on the go. A delicate mix of artificial intelligence and user-friendly interfaces make it possible to extend services for multiple property types, while an intricate network of pre-integrated APIs assess credit scores to shield you from unnecessary risks. Additional security comes from automated CERSAI compliance and fraud checks. Offer home loans with added benefits to customers under PMGAY.

Key Features

Lentra benefits
banks & borrowers

Options for multiple property types

Offer home loans for plot purchase, home construction, extension or renovation

Multiple tranche disbursal feature

Customized division of payment collection between multiple joint loan debtors

Property apportionment

Customized division of payment collection between multiple joint loan debtors

Empanelled valuers

Quick access to accredited lawyers and valuers for property verification

CERSAI compliant

Prevent fraudulent activity that could adversely affect profit margins

Multiple functionalities

Instantaneously trigger verification and valuation as frequently as needed

Why Lentra

Secured, seamless lending at scale

Empower more home buyers with easy-to-access loans that are fully automated. Lentra’s highly customizable business rule engine takes strategic evaluation decisions in a few seconds, supported by regulation-compliant customer identification and verification solutions that prompt approvals quickly and efficiently. Offer home loans to individuals or multiple applicants backed by digital underwriting, fraud checks, assigned limits and manual overrides where needed.

Lending Flow

What a Lentra
lending flow looks like

End-to-end, customer-friendly lending eco-system

Lentra’s highly intelligent systems support user-friendly built-in features including deviation capabilities, enhanced field investigation and instance-based intimation for a seamless home loan journey from start to finish.