On-board rapidly,
remotely, while meeting regulations.
Customer verification made

Customer verification made
Developed keeping all RBI regulations in mind, vKYC offers banks the best and most convenient solution to verify the identity of the person in the video from the uploaded documents on the portal. The video also provides for the location check with the uploaded address and the current geo location.
Verify irrespective of location, as customer need not be physically present
No tedious time-consuming procedures ensures customer service costs come down.
Drastically reduces time taken for KYC process
Hassle-free & takes customer convenience into account
Lentra vKYC provides for both a self-served journey and an assisted one.
Consent on vKYC procedures will be confirmed and recorded via communication on personal Mobile Numbers.
Lentra vKYC requires minimum development and is configurable in any system thus ensuring quick set-up time within the bank’s domain.
Personal Identification documents are verified during the Video Call that has been previously checked for any discrepancies.
The storage of the recorded videos is secured and easily retrievable for further reference.
Dashboards are customised and enabled for each user such as the auditor and the regulated entity’s officer.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning facilitate customer identification. They help in scoring the video quality and liveliness by providing to the officer a set of random multiple questions to ask the customer.
Reminders will be sent to the customers half an hour before the scheduled vKYC. Configurable to every need.
The Geo location of the customer is tracked while the video is on and is concurrently checked for the accuracy with the address from the documents provided.
The video is encrypted end to end and is not only checked for any spoofing but is also recorded for audit trails. The recordings are facilitated with date & time stamp.
Lentra vKYC enables capturing photographs during the call of the client, the PAN Card and the Aadhar Card (only for Banks). These photographs, as uploaded and captured, are crosschecked, masked and stored with the bank.
vKYC is a simple process that can be facilitated by a representative or be self-initialised. Once the client’s consent is received and confirmed, the vKYC slot can be chosen based on availability. On the scheduled day a reminder message is sent to the client, with a link to join the vKYC session. Before the client joins the session all his uploaded documents are verified and the required data extracted.
At the vKYC session the designated officer’s dashboard displays parameters such as lighting and accuracy, video spoofs and discrepancies, which are scored accordingly. The client is notified of parameters with low scores for changes to be made. The major points checked on the video are the identity of the individual and the accuracy of his location based on data. The call is of a very short duration and is recorded for further reference. Once the call ends, a call audit is conducted by the appointed auditor who checks and satisfies himself of all the parameters on his dashboard. The vKYC is then declared completed.
This module is concerned with the ratings on the documents uploaded by the client. The documents are checked by both, the software and the concerned officer, before the scheduled video call. At this time data from the client’s PAN Card and Aadhar Card are also extracted.
This module specifically checks the acceptability of the video by reviewing various aspects such as the lighting, the two-way audio video communication, streaming, face match scores and detection, tracking the live location of the client and generating a geo score based on the recorded address.
This module inspects for any spoofing, checks for liveliness of the video, examines for any traces of the video being pre recorded. It also provides quality scores on the client’s captured photographs and PAN Card images. Face match is checked between OVD and the photographs captured from live videos. Client liveliness is also checked with random personal questions.
Lentra vKYC is today one of the most sought after VCIP solutions in India. See why for yourself.
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